Hi, I'm Lori! For years I have had somewhat of an obsession with frugal living! Some people may call this characteristic "cheap," but I prefer to be called a Fru-"gal!"
During the Spring of 2009, I found out about couponing. I had never even heard of the term before, but I was very interested very quickly! I have always been frugal and very careful about the money that I spend, but I always felt that I could somehow save even more money. When I heard about couponing, I knew I had learned about something very useful and close to my heart! I feel like I've mostly felt my way through figuring out the basics of couponing, but I'd like to help other people learn what I have, in a more structured manner!
Since I love to teach so much, I also have another blog called Becoming A WAHM that teaches women how to start businesses they can run from their home and make money!! If you're interested in making money from home (in addition to saving money!), visit me there at BecomingAWAHM.com.
So I decided to put out information about great deals in our area as well as general information on how to use coupons, save money, and generally live a frugal lifestyle. Please let me know how I'm doing, or if you'd like for me to blog about something in particular!
Thanks for reading and happy deal finding!!
Walgreens Ad & Coupons: 3/2-3/8
4 hours ago
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