Do the abbreviations you see in all the coupon matchups confuse you? Well, here's an easy guide to figure out what everything means.
Coupons are generally listed according to the insert in which they can be found. For example, a coupon will be listed like this:
-$1/1 Kellogg's cereal (any variety) (1-3-10 SS)
The information at the beginning tells you the coupon details, and the part in the parentheses is what tells you where to find the coupon. So this tells you that you can save $1 off the purchase of any (1) Kellogg's cereal and you can find the coupon in the Smart Source booklet that was included with the Sunday paper on January 3rd, 2010.
Here's a listing of some common coupon acronyms:
SS = Smart Source insert
RP = Red Plum insert
PG = Procter & Gamble insert
GM = General Mills insert
K = Kellogg's insert
MQ = Manufacturer's Coupon
TQ = Target Coupon
MIR = Mail In Rebate
RR = Register Rewards (at Walgreens)
Wags = Walgreens
OOP = Out of pocket
B1G1 = Buy 1 Get One
DND = Do Not Double - this is sometimes at the top of a coupon - some stores will still double the coupon if they have a coupon doubling policy in which the coupon fits, and the coupon bar code starts with either a "5" or a "9". However, some stores will not double these coupons, so your savings depends on the store.
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary - this is a way of saying that the price in your store may not be the price in the blogger's store, so you may not get the exact same deal.
GC = Gift Card
MM = Money Maker
WYB = when you buy
There are also different types of coupons and locations where they can be found.
Blinkie = a coupon in a dispenser that is hanging on a shelf in the store (they often have a blinking light, hence the name "blinkie")
Catalina = this is a coupon that is printed at the register - it is often a reward for purchasing a certain type or number of items
Peelie = a coupon that can be found on the outside of a product and peeled off for immediate use
Store Coupon = a coupon that is issued by, and generally only accepted by, one store. The top of the coupon will read "Store coupon" instead of manufacturer's coupon. These can usually be stacked (meaning, you can use this coupon with a manufacturer's coupon, or stack the coupons, for one item) for even better savings.
Walgreens Ad & Coupons: 3/2-3/8
3 hours ago
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